De Afric Spezial

20. De Afric Spezial für 1 Person ~ 25,90 €
Kombination von Fleisch, Tibs, Key Wot und vegetarischer Platte Vegetarian dish and meat with different fancy food and variety of Habesha vegetarian style

21. De Afric Spezial für 2 Personen ~ 40,50 € (COMBO)
Kombination von Fleisch, Tibs, Key Wot und vegetarischer Platte Vegetarian dish and meat with different fancy food and variety of Habescha vegetarian style

22. De Afric Spezial für 3 Personen ~ 60.50 € (COMBO)
Combination of meat. Tibs, Key Wot und vegetarischer Platte Vegetarian dish and meat with different fancy food and variety of Habescha vegetarian style

23. De Afric Spezial für 4 Personen ~ 80,00€ (COMBO)
Kombination von Fleisch, Tibs, Key Wot und vegetarischer Platte Vegetarian dish and meat with different fancy food and variety of Habescha vegetarian style